Expert professional negligence solicitors for business

Businesses regularly require professional advice – whether that’s from accountants, solicitors, financial advisers or any number of other professionals who your firm may need to call on from time to time.

Sadly, sometimes the advice you receive may be incorrect causing disruption and/or loss to your business. That is when you’ll need advice you can rely on to enable you to right the wrongs and secure the compensation for your losses which you are entitled to.

At Bell Park Kerridge, you’ll always be able to count on the experience and support of our expert professional negligence solicitors. We are experienced in bringing claims against all types of professionals in Carlisle, Cumbria and the rest of England and Wales.

Call our professional negligence experts now on 01228 888 999 or get in touch.


The negligence you have experienced could be a simple error, a mistake the adviser has made on a technical, legal or other issue or, worst of all, an advisor acting against your interests. Whatever the cause, the losses that result can cost you money, time and stress.

Our experience has shown us that professional negligence claims are rarely straightforward. However, with our expert team on your side and supporting you throughout, we can make sure you have the best possible chance of recovering your losses.

That means you can rely on:

  • Commercially aware and robust advice from the very outset of your matter;
  • Minimal reliance on barristers for advice, drafting Court documents and pleadings and advocacy
  • Our experts robustly progressing your case at Court if litigation is required
  • Our experience of the various routes to alternative dispute resolution including negotiation, mediation and arbitration
  • Access to our approved expert database and a proven track record
  • The best legal knowledge and the attention to detail professional negligence matters require

Expert, flexible professional negligence solicitors with the experience to help you. Call us now on 01228 888999 or get in touch.


The aim of the courts in England and Wales is to put the innocent party into the position they would have been had the negligence or breach of contract had not occurred. There is no automatic right to compensation. To succeed, we need to prove that the professional (or professionals) was negligent or in breach of contract.

To do that, you’ll need professional negligence solicitors who have the expertise and experience you need. You’ll need the experts at Bell Park Kerridge.


In many cases, the Court will order the losing party to pay the winner’s costs. It is up to the Court to decide how much of your costs you can seek to recover from your opponent and we’ll then claim your costs from the loser, in addition to any damages.

If your business claim is unsuccessful, then you will normally be liable for our costs as well as those of the other party. There is always a risk in professional negligence matters which is why it’s so important that you get the best possible advice on your chances of success and the likely damages recoverable before making any decision on whether to proceed with a claim or not.

We always aim to be as flexible as possible with business clients in professional negligence matters and would be happy to discuss your options of funding a claim, which include:

  • Legal Expenses Insurance;
  • Hourly rates for agreed levels of investigation and advice;
  • Fixed price quotations for agreed levels of investigation and advice.

We will at all times ensure that any costs incurred are proportionate to the amount of the claim. As we work closely with all of our clients, you can also be assured that we’ll keep you updated on progress with your claim, including with regard to any impact on costs.

Professional negligence solicitors with the experience to help you. Call us now on 01228 888999 or get in touch.